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haha oh no! big bird! – Happy Thanksgiving week! I hope you all have lots of eating and family activities planned this week? I’m excited for all the baking I get to do! On my baking agenda is…

These browned butter sea salt chocolate chip cookies 
Monster Cookies from Sally’s Cookie Cookbook (as seen below)
​and I’m thinking THIS CHEESECAKE has to happen!

4 Tips to Stay Active During Turkey Week

I threw out a little survey over on instagram…and this is the post you all were most interested in! How to stay active during the holiday season and I’ll share my own plan below also. Let’s start with four quick tips!
1. Get it done in the morning! – before hitting the road or starting the day of eating get up and get it done. Getting your workout in first thing in the morning will give you more energy throughout the day and it will leave you feeling good that you did something GOOD for yourself 🙂

2. Make it fun – what about signing up for a local turkey trot! These races are super fun to walk or run and recruit the family to get involved too! Many of these “races” raise money for local charities and food shelves. Plus getting out and getting fresh air IS overwhelming to me I will admit, but it feels sooooo good to get that accomplished AND donate to a good cause at the same time! Being around all the positive energy is invigorating.

3. Find something you can do anywhere. Pack your running shoes and get out and do you own turkey trot! I LOVE my beachbody on demand application that has over 500 workouts on there…that way I can have ANY workout at my fingertips: strength training…yoga…cardio…kick boxing… and there are EVEN PARTNER workouts to do with your significant other or your kids!

4. Then enjoy the rest (and the food) Indulge. You only live once and I’m still learning this too, but one day is not going to undo your health. In fact it’s good for you! Keep that metabolism guessing and it’s good to give your mindset a break too if you are constantly tracking. It’s a dangerous pattern to fall into…and I refuse to let it get the best of me.

So I’ll be over here challenging myself to working on my before picture!

1. How do you like to stay active during the holiday season?
2. Favorite Thanksgiving food?

- A word from our sposor -


4 tips to stay active during turkey week!