Home Lifestyle Five Quick Tips to get Over Fear of the Gym

Five Quick Tips to get Over Fear of the Gym


So this morning as I’m working out in the gym – in fact showcasing moves and creating videos for my instagram story – I had to laugh. There were like five people nearby who I’m sure knew that I was making a video. And I do believe the 4/5 of them were guys. Years ago you would not catch me DEAD doing this. How embarrassing right? So how have I gotten over it? How did I even know where to START in the weight room? How have I figured out how to get in an efficient and most importantly SAFE workout?

Five Quick Tips to get Over Fear of the Gym

Let’s be honest. I’m a runner at heart. Jumping on the treadmill and just GOING is “easy.” Ok…so it’s not always easy…but you know what I mean! So looking back how did I figure out how to add strength training to my routine? Strength training is soooo important to help prevent injury..and I was ALWAYS injured when I first started running! Stress fracture..after stress fracture. And FINALLY after like my UMTEENTH stress fracture…something had to change!
1. Get help. You don’t have to know it all! You aren’t expected to! Find someone to help you with form. Find someone to show you the basics of lifting. Help you find your baseline. Someone that can set up a plan for you to follow. This could be a trainer at your gym, following an online workout with a trainer that does an excellent explanation or hey shoot me an email and I would LOVE to help you! Don’t try to go for it and just get help! When I was injured I really wanted a change. I sought out a trainer who helped me START.  The hardest part..is just starting. There is NOTHING wrong with asking for help.
2, Find somewhere you feel comfortable. Its going to feel somewhat uncomfortable at first… ANY change does. But find somewhere you feel safe  and comfortable overall. This could be a gym, this could be a space at home or a gym where a friend goes so you can see a familiar face
3. Find a community to support you and/or a workout partner/buddy! Whether it’s someone that texts you or calls you for a wake up call in the morning, a virtual workout partner through a supportive community or someone that physically MEETS UP WITH YOU for a workout! Or it could be a mix of all of them. Find what works for you. Support is everything.
 4. Remember that seriously no one is paying attention to you but you. Seriously stop being so self conscious. No one cares what you look like and I promise no one is watching you. JUST you!
5. Be consistent and STICK WITH IT. Changes and confidence don’t grow overnight. But putting in the time and effort day after day WILL pay off. I promise! It doesn’t get easier…you just get stronger!
Do you work out at home or at the gym?
How did you get used to it?
​What are your tips to share?



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