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What I’m currently into this week in all aspects of life.

Currently – Drinks, Burnt Cookies and Naps

Reading Loveable by Kelly Flanagan – A dad writing letters to his daughter and all the things he wants her and you to know. You are worthy of so much more. You are loveable. I do indeed love all the valuable insight that he shares and highly recommend it! You can get yours by clicking on the smaller image below.
procrastination – seriously. laundry. anyone else HATE doing it? Sorting it…Folding it…Putting it away…carrying it up the stairs. Ok. I know I’m pathetic… what is your least favorite around the house “chore”?
 workouts – still doing mostly early morning workouts from my driveway! The workout I have been doing on my beachbody on demand is called The Shift Shop! Lots of speed and agility drills – I thought I would hate it…and it’s actually pretty addicting. This week looked like this:

Monday: Speed 45 (Shift Shop) – early morning outside! This one is TOUGH! It goes through THREE circuits made up of four moves each. You go through the four moves for a minute, then for 45 seconds then for 30 seconds before moving on to the next round! Follow me on instagram in my stories to see some of the moves.

Tuesday: Strength 35 – again I took my weights outside! This one is fun too. You do (I would guess 10) moves using weights for one minute. THEN you repeat the round but this time you go for 45 seconds and the moves are AMPED up to make them more challenging! Challenging yes, but DEFINITELY doable!

Wednesday: Speed 35 – You guessed it! FROM HOME and in the driveway! Told you I was loving it… This one has two rounds -about 6 moves each round. You do each more for a minute and then repeat the move for 30 seconds! And there are two rounds. Its a good burner!

Thursday: Rest day. because I was pooped! And a body has to rest to grow 🙂

Friday: Wanted to challenge myself and I did just that! I conquered an AFTERNOON workout! That is TOTALLY hard for me for some reason to get in the mindset in the afternoon to push play. But I did it and totally blasted it with Speed 45 again!

Saturday: went to the gym for the first time all week! – Went for a half hour jog on the treadmill – about 3.5 miles and then did the Shift Shop 12 minute Core workout. My back has been sore and I think it’s from jumping and NOT doing my usual core workouts!

beauty product – I am totally in love with this mascara! I used to ALWAYS use voluminous by Loreal – I had tried SOOOOO many but always went back to it! I got this as a free sample from Ulta and ended up LOVING it! You can try it out here:
food -all the food prep right now and having fun with it! A few favorite have been… roasted buttercup squash (seriously the best dipped in ketchup!
zucchini noodles! – SO EASY and with all the zucchini this time of year…
blackened shrimp – OMG YUM! ever made it?
cauliflower fried rice –
joseph’s pitas stuffed with all the things… LOVE these things!
spicy doritos will forever have my heart.

Check out this post HERE to see all the recipes I have b​een making and sharing with my challengers

If you want to join my prep school for all the complete recipes, grocery lists AND workouts too – fill out this quick form HERE

 oh sh*t factor – so our oven has been acting up …and well let’s just say it finally gave up… RIP oven! My poor last batch of cookies. They were in there for 5 minutes at 325 when the oven turned itself to 600 – and well…here is what happened…
drink – moscow mules have my heart – and here is my favorite way to make them!
Diet Cock and Bull Ginger Beer
1 shot vodka – Titos is my fav!
juice of one fresh lime
feels. i feel like napping… sounds like a great idea actually. we will chat later!

Your turn! What are some of YOUR favorites this week?

- A word from our sposor -


Currently – Drinks, Burnt Cookies and Naps